Beyond Halloween, Día de los Muertos, Samhain, a time of celebrating the darkness, is the actual darkness that this time of year sets upon us and it's a wonderful time of do the work.
Dreams are about seeing what is possible and enacting the interpretation.
I wanted to share with you an email that I wrote to my students as a follow up to a live class (as it fits with the time of year) and is also some insight of 'what you get' when you participate in Sessions classes with me!
Hi Friends!
Class 6
We are learning that this Kriya for Relieving Inner Anger is still processing in some of us after class for a day (possibly two). This is normal. I am bringing this set deeper than what is asked because we have been working at it for so long, so why not cover all the bases. It can be hard to see the good in these tough emotions that come up, and I am not going to sugar coat it…it is hard. This is why you are here, to do the work. You want the next level, and this is the steps towards it. Unfortunately it gets ugly (trust me, I have had my fair share of ugly on this path, it ain’t pretty and there are times I have wanted to quit diving deep). But even when I try to avoid it, it comes back and wants more, welcome to the path. You are a practitioner, forever learning, forever searching. And I want to say I am really proud of you and you should be of yourself for sticking to it, sticking it out. The light at the end of the tunnel comes at death…until then, we have ups and downs, period. I wanted to share also the repeated sentence that we used for lineage 'Anger Release' asana today in case you want to play with it a bit over this Halloween period.
(while the veil between the living and the dead is thin)
‘I am searching for an anger or fear that has been passed on through my lineage and is existent in me still to this day.’ You can go one step further, if you are interested in specifics, and ask: Anger? Listen for answer Which hides what fear? Listen for answer Or vice versa Fear? Listen for answer Which hides what anger? Listen for answer I send to you some pillow hitting, foot stomping, mute yelling anger release vibes and a biiiiiiiiiiig hug, 🎃Happy Halloween, it's a good time to be playing through this darkness of life…the veil of energy is thin, which means more energy, power to move. Use it, move it. The easiest time for lineage work is now. 👻👻👻