Gain some insight into the element air, see how it relates to your life and especially this time of year.
Some of you may ask: Why would I bother learning about the elements and their effects? It all seems a little woowoo to me…well, that is totally cool and completely understandable. When I was navigating the world of trying to understand energy and the systems that go with them I decided that I would use it as a guide. A guide that would give me a focus for my life at the time in fact I even made a short video to help explain it! Check it out here.
As I navigated more in the world, I started to find out that the synchronicity of these systems were uncanny to what I was experience. And so, it began my journey not only through the world of energy, but specifically this year, the world of elements.
And now...the element of Air or Wind.
What: Words associated with Air are: discrimination, clarity, evaluation, observation, neutrality, non-judgment, provide clarity, open space, neutrality, nonjudgmental acceptance, perception of truth How: Find a word(s) or statement above that resonates or feels like it is lacking and contemplate it, meditate it, dream it, feel it, art it, poetry it, write it, talk it, sing it.
What: Air governs: meeting rooms, schools, libraries, airports, railway stations and bus terminals -basically all movement and anything associated with travel. It is connected with mathematics, science and the law. Air’s places are mountain tops, windy plains, clear or cloudy skies. How: if you are feeling a little bogged or weighted down, getting to one of these places to add some lightness to your life would be beneficial. If any room of your house is feeling heavy, open a window or turn a fan on, allow the energy to move, change and adjust.Travel -I know, its a tough time to be saying this but a ‘Sunday drive’ can do wonders for a mind that is feeling stuck. Get out on that windy day and let the wind blow through you!
*Note: if you are experience the other side of wind, and are moving too much (both in the mind and body) you may want to stay away from these places and do some more earth related activities (see my blog Element Earth Today) or check out my video on a short practice to help balance a mind body connection.
What: Air governs: the realm of the mind and all mental activity. It is associated with the breath of life. It represents communication, intelligence, perception, knowledge, learning, thinking, imagination, creativity, harmony, freedom, thought, ideas, intellect, discovery. How: read, draw, take an art class (or any class), sing, communicate with someone you haven’t seen in a while, have that deep conversation you have been wanting to do for some time, learn a breathing technique or chant a mantra.
*Note: on mantra: Find one on the internet or even make one up of your own -sometimes the energy of a mantra is better to the user if its in your own language -so make one up! What is most important about mantra is that it resonates with you, either in your own language or another. Example: I am guided. I am well. I am protected. I am peace. I am _____________.
Join me for the last session of this Spring where we will focus on balancing the brain, inner/outer vision, mantra and breath work!
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