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Element Earth Today


There is a tension in the air...wether it be astrologically, seasonally or just being over the life we are living.

~There are 7 planets in Aquarius, Venus is in the underworld and Mercury is in retrograde.

~Yesterday we just past the Lunar Imolc, a sort of half way mark between the winter solstice and spring equinox, a time that feels like quickening but actually needs a continuation of slow.

~We have been living a life no one ever thought possible or even knew to prepare for.

No matter where you stand with the above statements, the energy is tough right now, maybe even uncomfortable. There is a quickening of energy, a want to get out and explore, a need to be moving and a brain so full of thoughts and ideas that it may feel your head will explode at any moment.

Its A LOT!

End of winter/pre-spring is a time of year to plan and prepare: what seeds you want to sow, what your future will look like, what spring will bring, who you would like to be, what you would like to do.

Here I share some ideas on how to plan, prepare and use this time in a way that resonates with this part of the cycle we are in by working with the element of Earth.

  • What: Words associated with Earth are: consolidate, ground, contain, relax, enable physical pleasure, endurance, patience, presence, care, support, receive, stability, growth, physical abundance, nourishment, solidity, dependability, security, permanence, intuition, introspection, wisdom in the sense of penetrating deep into matter. How: Find a word(s) or statement above that resonates or feels like it is lacking and contemplate it, meditate it, dream it, feel it, art it, poetry it, write it, talk it, sing it.

  • What: Earth governs: the home and the areas of physical needs such as the dining room and bathroom as we are taking in food from the earth (dining room) and in the bathroom we give it back ;-). How: clean and reorganise your home, open a window and let your home breathe (side story: when people use to live in one room houses with the kids and the animals, over the winter the home would become...well...smelly to say the least, so this was the time of year the big cleaning would start, the doors could be left open for a short part of the day, the dirt would be removed and the house would be readied for spring when outdoor life would need tending), spend time in the kitchen, cook a little more and freeze -having some extra home made meals in the freezer when the busyness of spring is upon you will serve you and your body well.

  • What: Earth governs: money, property, business, security, loyalty, responsibility, business affairs and finances, gardening, farming, anything that requires work with the hands and anything connected to the physical body and health. How: maybe its time to do taxes, take a good look at your finances, get your business in order, work on your resume for a new job, plan your garden, start some seedlings indoors, collect and plan for your next hands-on project or find ways to move your body that associates with Earth such as: get to know and be connected to the body through mindfulness and awareness ~ Feel sensations in the body- pain, discomfort, energy ~ Stimulate and activate through movement, stretching, strengthening ~ Heal by developing a loving relationship with the body ~ Allow all sensations, accept, relax. (I can help in this area of body and awareness by showing up for you via live stream in my NEXT SESSIONS set).

Be gentle, move slowly, talk to people and let them know life is tough so they can also share with you that their life is tough, be honest and be in this shit together. A little venting can go a long way.

And please, share this post: spread this knowledge!

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